Terms & Conditions

  • We are unable to deliver cherries to Rural Delivery (RD) addresses or PO boxes.
  • Delivery dates available - 8 to 21 December 2018
  • You must select a preferred delivery date when prompted during the checkout process. Deliveries will be made Tuesday-Friday. Deliveries will not be made at weekends or on Mondays.
  • All products will be dispatched in the best condition possible and our courier will endeavour to deliver next day to the address stipulated. Due to increased freight volumes in the lead up to Christmas, we cannot guarantee next day delivery will always be achieved. Any orders that are not delivered next day will be kept chilled and delivered at the next available opportunity.
  • An email with courier tracking details will be sent as orders are dispatched.
  • Please ensure someone will be present at the time of delivery - we cannot take responsibility for degradation of product if otherwise. We use a non-signature delivery service. This means our courier will leave products in a place they deem safe if the recipient is not present on delivery.


Whilst we love to hear how much you love our cherries, if there is a problem, please let us know and we will do our best to sort the problem.